or in English Smashed Chicken @ Ayam Penyet – AP.

logo3 Yeah, before this I had reviewed one famous Indonesian food restaurant in Ipoh, Perak here. This time I want to review other Indonesian famous food which is known as Ayam Penyet or Smashed Chicken. I’m not sure about the origin of the food in Indonesia, but what I know the food is good and it was available in Malaysia. But there are various restaurant that serve it as their speciality like this Ayam Penyet – AP Restaurant, Waroeng Penyet, Ayam Penyet Ria, Restaurant Ayam Penyet, etc and I will review the others later.

Ok, lets go straight to the point, what is best about the Ayam Penyet? To me, I like it because of the contour of the chicken is very soft and light. I like the sambal also although it was very hot and spicy. Based on my knowledge, the chicken had been smashed first before being cook. That cause the meat to be very soft.

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