or in English Penang Char Koay Teow @ Sani Restaurant, Section 7, Shah Alam.
Hello~ Okay, this maybe only a short review for ya because this restaurant speciality is only limited to their Penang Char Koay Teow, so I don’t have much to say I think.
This place is located at Section 7 Shah Alam near Indian school or Pusat Komersial (Commercial Centre). It has like a small row of shops there. The map will be given later on this post.
About the rating, for me, the food is good. The Char Koay Teow is VERY GOOD!!. The prawn quite big and fresh. YUMM, YUMM. Seriously. But to me lah, I don’t know for you. But it’s good to try for. The Price is reasonable, it was divided based on sizes. Normal RM 3, Big RM 4 and Special RM 5. The place is well neat. Just a normal small restaurant. Anyway, lets just go to food-toshot~
More picture after the break.
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