
Documenting My Journey~

More Ayam Penyet @ Wong Solo Restaurant, Shah Alam.

in Malay, Lagi-lagi Ayam Penyet @ Restoran Wong Solo, Seksyen 7, Shah Alam.


Ok this is just a quick and simple update, before I’m going to focus on my studies since the examination is around the corner. After this I will not updating this blog until my examination ends, which expected to be on the middle of May.

Anyway, this time I would like to share one more good Ayam Penyet restaurant for ya in Shah Alam. Some of my friends, who become very addicted with this dishes until they want to eat this food everyday!!! I also don’t know why they like Ayam Penyet so much~huhu.

restaurant front view

The front view

This shop looks like it served authentic Indonesian foods in affordable price. To me, this restaurant is just-another-Indonesian-foods-restaurant. The only uniqueness is they offer quite a variety of Indonesian dishes.



Food: Quite Nice. But for me I thinks it just normal. The sambal is not very good for me. Seriously I don’t understand why some of my friends really love the Ayam Penyet here.

Anyhow, I had failed to try other dishes, I will do it later when I come again in future. From what I see on the menu there are sets for Ayam Bakar (Bako!!!), Bakso and other Indonesian signature dishes.

Environment: Just a typical normal restaurant for me. But there are some uniqueness, they offer a section where people can eat by sitting on the floor (like the Japanese style).

Price: Hurm, dunno what to say, you judge yourself. For the price of RM10.50 you get a set of Ayam Penyet with rice (see picture after read me) plus one small Mineral water. I think it was quite a reasonable price.

Anyway, nothing to babbling anymore, just enjoy the picture after the break.

p/s: Location map and GPS coordinate at the end of the post.


Ayam Penyet Set

The Ayam Penyet Set (excluded the Milo Ais)




 Ayam Penyet Close-Up


Ok, this is something extra for ya~ Because I’m too awesome, this two cute girls want to follow me to this restaurant~huh…


I called them ayam Penyet Girls~hehe

Ok actually I’m just kidding~ The truth is I’m kinda a lonely person, so I go to this restaurant by myself then just bump into them here…

Ok I’m kidding again, actually I really want to try this restaurant, but just waiting for anyone to invite me to eat together and they are also the one who introduce me to this restaurant. ^_^

The lady in grey is already taken, but the lady in blue is available!!! So come2!! fast, add her on twitter. *jgn marah aku yeak mira~kahkahkah*

Anyway, that’s all folks. Below is the location details~

p/s: Wish me luck for this final exam okay~huhu

Location Map: *click to enlarge*

map wong solo ayam penyet

or you may view in details at Wikimapia HERE (look at the center pin point).

GPS Coordinate:- Latitude:  3° 4’6.81″N; Longitude: 101°29’25.63″E


  1. Hello, how are you today? This is Sean from TBG Interactive. Was just wondering if you’ve received my comment yesterday? It is pertaining an engagement for HungryGoWhere, and we would really love to have you onboard with us.

    Do let us know what you think, and how we can proceed from here. Appreciate it if you can come back to us by today for us to do the necessary arrangement on our end. 🙂

    Of course, please feel free to contact me should you require any further clarification. I can be contacted at

    Thank you, I look forward to hearing for you soon!

  2. Hi there,
    This is Sean from TBG Interactive and we are very interested in hosting some of your articles on our upcoming food discovery app HungryGoWhere.
    Do let us know if you’re open to the idea and we can discuss the details for remuneration and other information. I can be contacted at or 017-3342332.
    Thank you and I look forward to your soonest response.

  3. sedap sesangat kat Wong Solo nie…ayam penyet AP x sesedap wong solo…

    • hera purwanto

      March 7, 2013 at 4:10 PM

      All Indonesia food very sedap..if u go indonesia u can choose ma
      ny food…heemm yummy..
      Java,bali,sumatera all there food very sedap..i miss my country

  4. Heee…kalo p pasir gudang try la ayam penyet or pecel lele kt kg pasir putih…sgt sodap….tp jgn tersalah kedai…hehehe….yg ader car wash tu yg sodap….bakso pon best…i miss those food…aiyak…dh terliur plak…

  5. ayam penyet AP pon sedap gak smbl die..harge same rm10.50 but served with tea (hot o cold) try lah…wong solo sambal xsedap!

  6. awak bole dptkan no contact restoran ni x?

  7. 10.50 affordable? wong solo couldnt afford to open in alor star beside TAT nasi ayam since they cant compete with them.. 10.50 for a set of ns ayam? u’ll get better just for 3.50 at TAT ns ayam in alor star. yeah tasted wong solo already since they just opened..and i dont think it’s really worth the taste for 10.50. 🙂

    • Erm, I think in place like Shah Alam RM10.50 for a set of dishes like this is normal~you must not compare the price in Shah Alam and Alor Star~ ^_^
      I once had lived in Sg. Petani, I know how big the difference of the food price in Sg petani and Shah Alam~
      However thanks to you, now I get one interesting foodspot. I’m planning for jalan-jalan cari makan in Kedah in future, TAT Nasi Ayam is one of the restaurant list now! =)

  8. for me, ayam penyet wong solo tak berapa sangat la..

    thanks sebab link, nanti
    i link ur blog k.. 🙂

  9. Macam sedap walaupun presntation dia cam hampeh :ngeh6:

    PojiePooh; Hanya Satu…

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