So, in the previous post, I had already show you on our first day of the trip to Surabaya. On our second day, we had some journey outside Surabaya main city, to the Apple farm at mount-what-i-not sure,=_=”. I’m so shocked that Indonesia had apple and orange farm you know.
Anyway, the journey of food is getting interesting. Our tourist guide said eating Bakso at the top of the mountain feels great. We tried it, and it really does. yup, when you eat hot food in cozy, windy weather, it feels good you know. But unfortunately I forget to get some picture. Because I was busy eating. Because I was busy taking the panorama image from the mountain. However there are many small stalls selling Bakso there or you may eat it inside the Apple farm, they have restaurant there.
Anyway, I should just proceed with our lunch and Dinner for second day. There was no breakfast because as I said in my first day post, our breakfast is provided by the hotel, so nothing specials there.
So, our lunch on second day was at Restoran Simpang Raya. The menu is, Nasi Padang. Just enjoy the food-toshot.=)
And for our dinner, we go for Woroeng Podojoyo.
Here, the dishes served was quite good. Ayam Bakar I guessed? and Ayam Penyet. The Chicken Grill was great. I don’t know what to comment more, just enjoy the food-toshoot.=)
Looks promising rite?~hehe
What I don’t really like about Indonesian food is that their chicken is very thin lah~ May I know why?huhu. But their foods is good.huhu~
Anyway, unfortunately for both restaurants I cannot give you their location. It is because I can’t find them on the Wikimapia or Google Earth which I frequently used to look for directions. You know what, in Indonesia, it was very hard to get directions, I must say that you MUST GET A TOURIST GUIDE IF YOU ARE NEW HERE. Seriously~
So, that’s all for now. Wait for my 3rd day post, we have Chinese cuisine here in Indonesia!! Thanks for reading. Any comment will be appreciated~^_^
P/s: My “Boring” blog get new subdomain, go to s
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