
Documenting My Journey~

Surabaya Food Trip – Day 1.

Or in Malay, Jalan-Jalan Cari Makan di Surabaya, Indonesia – Hari Pertama.

HOLLAAAA!!!!! Yes, my first overseas food journey by me although it was just in Indonesia, hehe~ Yeah, Indonesia was such a great country you know. I’m not very sure about other place like Jakarta or Bandung, but Surabaya is a good place to visit. Despite all the bad image I get before going about the condition in Indonesia, the trip did make the things clear for me. Yes they live in the hardship, poverty is everywhere here, but yet they live happily. How can they live happily like that? From what I see, there are Give and Take attitude and respecting each other among their peoples. =)

Well, that’s what I think about them, you’ll need to go there by yourself to experience it yourself. And most importantly for this blog, my trip to Surabaya or Soerabaia did give me an opportunity to eat some of Indonesian food. Well, in Indonesia, the most famous things in their dishes, is rice. So in my trip, we eat rice for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And most of the food here is Halal. This may be because of it status as Islamic Country.

Another thing I want to tell you before I made the review, is that all the restaurant that included here was set by our tours agency, therefore I don’t know whether there are other good restaurant here. But I think the food from all the restaurants we visited was good enough to try. Or maybe this review will gives you some thought on what dishes to eat here.

Ok, lets go for the review. So, our arrival at Surabaya in afternoon had made us to go straight for lunch. Our first destination?

Ayam Bakar Primarasa Restaurant, Surabaya Indonesia.

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So, what waiting for us in this restaurant? Enjoy the picture below~

P/s: Massive amount of pictures below, hope you can wait patiently. =)

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DSCN2297 []Grilled fish~

Below are 3 pictures of Sweet Sour Fish.
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Below are Tempura prawn.
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DSCN2300 []Their speciality “Ayam Bakar Primarasa”

DSCN2292 []Environment of the restaurant

My opinion.
Price: Not sure but I think it’s affordable.
Environment of restaurant: Good and Clean. Look at picture above.
Food: Nice. The Grilled Chicken is good. But the chicken is too thin lah, not enough whole chicken for 6 people.huhu~

Location Map:*click for bigger image
Ayam bakar Primarasa surabaya

Reference to wikimapia HERE.
GPS Coordinate: Latitude: 7°19’48.38″S | Longitude: 112°43’49.76″E.
You also may check out their website HERE.
~ok done for lunch~

Next, for the dinner, we encounter more exciting food~Yeah. The restaurant is Bumbu Desa. It seems like this restaurant is quite famous in Indonesia.

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DSCN2375 []Restoran Bumbu Desa.

Variety types of dishes~DSCN2377 []

DSCN2383 []Restaurant Environment. Nice, relaxed and clean~

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DSCN2384 []Sup Sayur Asem. I really like this~

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Soup Sayur Asem []

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My Opinion.
Food: Good. The theme was Sweet. Because the soup was sweet. The begedil is very sweet.
Environment: Relaxed and Chill. Like~
Price: Not sure as mention above.

Location Map:*click for bigger image
restaurant Bumbu Desa Surabaya Map[]

Reference to Google Maps | Wikimapia.
GPS Coordinate: Latitude: 7°16’45.16″S | Longitude: 112°44’12.41″E.
The Restaurant Website.
Ok, that’s all for my first day journey in Surabaya, Indonesia. It was great. But it was even greater in our second day. For that you will need to read my second day post.
Anyway, that’s all for now. Hope you can leave some comment here=)
p/s: Pageviews naik bulan puasa nih~hehe


  1. Hye anonymous, wah nice suggestion you have there~

    I wish I can go there for second time later~will absolutely refer to your suggestion once go there~
    Thanks!! ^_^

    Indonesia really have nice food there, but unfortunately we Malaysians are quite afraid to go there bcoz of some political issues~huhu

  2. hi there,
    i used to travel and stay in Surabaya in Jalan Jenderal Sudirman and when it come to food for dinner for me i go to Layar fresh seafood located beside the Carrefour about 100m but before you will see big McDonald at the junction of these road.Price reasonable and you can see every race eat in here.

    The second is Restoran Kebon Kelapa located surround Jalan Jenderal Sudirman and they served both local and seafood delicacies.I used to ordered Ketam Masak Pedas and the mushroom that they cooked inside the bamboo.Before you order usually the waiter will served plain hot tea.

    The last one is Italian ristorante that located a bit nearby Kebon Kelapa that named 'Trattoria'.A bit expensive but good quality food there.

    Should take a taxi for arrived to all location because much better be rilex and cool before eat your dinner.

  3. yeke?ble ko tgk aku mkn?
    erm RM 1000 sorg…huhu, tp 4 hari, tiket g-balik n makan suma skali~

  4. mmg sgt seswai ko bt blog psl makanan memandangkan ko pn suka makan *mngimbau kembali beberapa peristiwa aku mior mkn. mmg kus semangat~~*

    how much d trip to surabaya neh?

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