Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right. - Oprah Winfrey
Well, time moves so fast, I feel like it was last 2 days we celebrated New Year for 2011. So, how was 2011 to you guys?! I believe everyone have their own interesting journey for this year right? Well to me, I had quite a dull life in 2011. Issokay, I pray for the best ahead~InsyaAllah.
I wish for all the best for you, and may you achieve what have you been targeting for. As for me, I’ve a bundle of targets for this 2012. But that’s another story, let me keep that for myself okay~
Another things, 2012 will be a very busy year for me (if I get the offer to continue my studies). However, in preparing for that, I will try to complete a couple of draft before the class start. So, next time I will just need to publish the post~ =P. This was important to keep this blog alive~huhu
And, 2012 is Tahun Melawat Perak 2012 (Visit Perak Year 2012), so, as a Foodblogger cum Travelogger and also as a true Perakian, I will try to do some JJCM or travel to the interesting spot in Perak (mainly Ipoh only coz Perak is quite a big state so I cannot cover all ).
Anyway, wishing you a great year ahead!!
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