
Documenting My Journey~

The Real Hello!!~=D

Salam, Hello, Good Day, to all my blog readers.

I feel very good right now. This blog is moving forward for a better things, although it was quite slow, but its ok for me.

As you may notice, I have moved this blog platform to WordPress and I’m using self hosting at Cubiex hosting. So far so goowordpress scribble[] copyd. The main reason for the moved is because of my passion in blogging and creativity. There are some limitations in blogger that forced me to move to self-hosted wordpress. However, I still love Google Blogger because they offer great experience with them and also it’s free.=P 

So, What I love about this self hosted WordPress?

– I can use own theme that I like and can modified it like I want. Blogger also offer this but I need to host any image to external hosting.

– More faster, because Google don’t offer hosting, so need to use external hosting, this slowdown website as the pc need to call each external servers.

– Have a lot of plugin, yeah, I love some of it, like the WP-Cumulus, it’s cool isn’t it??!! =)

But there are something I don’t like also, which is:

– Need to pay =(

– Some Disk space and Bandwidth limitations that I need to concern.

But its okay for me, hopefully everything will be fine without any major problem.

Okay, talking about my passion in blogging, I had a very huge ambitions towards this blog. There are a lot of planning I made for this blog. All this will be done one by one InsyaAllah. Although I was very passion on blogging, there are slight intentions of me of making money from this blog. I think I shouldn’t lie on this. However the intentions was only for my side income or maybe to cover all the cost for this blog, no more nor less. =)

Maybe, if I get enough money, I can improve this blog in my writing or added more subject I can blogged about. I really want to get a DSLR for my food blogging, now I’m in progress of saving my money. I have a very much passion in creative stuff, designing, photography, etc. But at the end of the day, I’m just an amateur, my only intentions here was just for fun and hobby.

Anyway, done talking here. I really hope this move will get positive feedback from the reader. I’m sorry for any inconvenience happened during the process. 

Happy Reading ^_^ v


  1. Congrats on your move to self hosting! Disk space and bandwidth limitation can be managed if you host your images offsite, or use caching.

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