
Documenting My Journey~

Tako Tao @ Jaya Jusco

Tako Tao Takoyaki Stall

*Booth view. Image is by courtesy of

Yeah, Japanese food this time. Me and MyDear went to JJ Sunway Pyramid, wondering what to eat while waiting my movie (Papadom) to start. Don’t want to eat heavy food, so we walked around JJ and Giant to find any snack that can fills our time and stomach, hehe. Then found this stalls (or a booth maybe?) that sells Tako Tao Takoyaki (actually I never try this food before, but my gf want to tried it). First I make sure whether the food is Halal for us or not. Then I found a Halal certificates and logo near it. So, it’s confirmed.

So, what is Tako Tao actually?

Tako Tao is a Japanese snack food. Made from Flour and some “inti” inside it. It will be serve with mayonnaise, fish flakes and soy sauce.

There are 4 filling available which is Octopus [Tako Takoyaki], Innagi, Prawn and Chicken Ham with cheese. This Tako Tao booth are available to most of Jusco Branches, so it isn’t hard to find one. The food taste good, you must try it. And what is important is IT’S HALAL!!

Take a look at the snapshot of the food: (read more).

I choose for Tako Takoyaki (Octopus).

Tako Tao Side 2

Tako Tao Side

You may see the fish flakes

Tako Tao Mayo 2

Look at the mayonnaise

Tako Tao Mayo

Tako Tao Focus

Quite nice to see right? The taste is also good. The price is also reasonable, RM4.30 for 3 pieces. You can add an add-on such as more mayonnaise or fish flakes or wasabe for RM0.30. Considering all the factor, I gave this 4 star for snack food that you can eat.


  1. Now, tako tao is RM4.90. But it taste good!! :nyum2:

  2. :naknanges:
    if you dont mind share the recipe with me 🙂 i wanted to try

  3. i love chicken ham with cheese + fish flakes…
    the more you add the yummier it be…

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