Salam and Hallo,
This is the first post of this blog. I will brief a little bit on how I establish this blog. I really hope that this blog will be successful as I had failed in my previous food blog. It not because of anything, just a minor problem-no suitable domain name. Before this my domain was but I thought that this name was not really suitable for food blog. Therefore I tried to search other domain name until I found this name It’s quite nice for me.
Okay, this blog is regarding my life experience in finding a good food. A blog about best food. And I will always reviewed a Halal’s food. This is because I’m a muslim. I have so many ambitions or visions for this blog. My target is to cover all the good halal foods all around the world. But maybe it may takes time for that to happened. And for starting I will cover on the best halal food and restaurant around Malaysia.
And if you may see some flaw in my post, please forgive me. FYI, the photo taken here may not as good as other food blog photo as it was just taken using a 8MP Digital Compact Camera (Nikon Coolpix L19). And as the time goes by, I may update my tools by using DSLR maybe?, InsyaAllah.
Another thing, I really hope that all the readers here may participate in my posting. A comment will be much appreciated and I also enable a ranking/ rating system and it will be much appreciated if you can rate the food/ restaurant after you had tried them.
Anyway, “Smaklig Maltid” or Enjoy Your Meal in Swedish.
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