
Documenting My Journey~

Famous Nasi Lemak From Kedah: Nasi Lemak Cinta Sayang.

What a name for a restaurant, but you may know about this restaurant if you are from Sungai Petani, Kedah. But, the restaurant I want to blog about this time is not the one that’s in Kedah but it’s branch in Pusat Komersial Seksyen 7, Shah Alam. I always go there to have some Nasi Lemak for dinner. There restaurant will be full around 9-10 pm where many students comes to ‘lepak’.

Nasi Lemak Cinta Sayang Restaurant

In here, you may take your nasi lemak manually. Means that you need to pick your nasi, put the side stuff (cucumber and boiled egg).

Cinta Sayang Lauk

There are many lauk-pauk for you to include in your nasi lemak instead of just slices of cucumber and boiled egg. And I choose to pick for “Telur Goreng Masak Merah”/ Red Cooked Fried Egg and “Tauhu Masak Merah”/ Red Cooked Tofu. Here are some pictures~
Nasi Lemak With Teh Ais

My Nasi Lemak Cinta Sayang 2

This is what MyDear ordered,hihi:

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To me, the price is quite reasonable. For my Nasi Lemak, it just cost me RM3.90. And For MyDear, it cost RM3.20. The taste is quite good because if not they would not succeed to open a second branch here. I will gives 4 stars, for their price, condition of place, taste and popularity.

This restaurant located at Pusat Komersial, Seksyen 7 Shah Alam (Near UiTM 2nd entrance). It is on the 4th row of the shop. I always go for dinner, I’m not sure if they open or serve on daytime.


  1. salam..terjumpa blog ni bila google pasal kedai ni.
    masya Allah..sedihnya baca tohmahan kat komen2 ni.
    saya kenal owner dan keluarganya.
    ownernya bekas pensyarah uitm. en zain.
    dan insya Allah saya rasa takde unsur ‘mak esah’ ke apa kat situ sbb keluarga ni memang amalkan ajaran islam, bukan islam pada nama saja..
    xpelah, ini enty lama..hopefully by now semua fitnah ni dah takde dah. 🙂

    • Terima kasih atas pencerahan anda. Yup, di kalangan student UiTM ada cakap2 pasal itu. Tp takpe lah, business is still good kan. Biasalah mungkin ada yg dengki sebarkan benda2 camtuh~

  2. first and last la aku mkn kt seksyen 7 punye kedai…order air smpai ak dh isap rokok abis mkn xsampai2..klu ramai org xpe kul 7 pagi..kecewa..mkn kat mamak lg cepat..

  3. not so good..
    orang cakap kedai nie pakai mak esah..
    i mean the hocus pocus thing to attract their customer..
    sebab ad kawan 2.3 orang pena nampak benda pelik2.. :murung:

    • hurm, yeah heard that also~
      tp ntah lah kan, saya xmention dalam post sbb ia akan jd fitnah kalau salah kan, xbaik kite fitnah orang nih~
      anyway ,kalu ade guna2 kenapa awak cakap xsedap? awak baca doa sebelum makan dlu ek?kekeke~kidding~^_^

  4. Nasi Lemak here is good.

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